Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Entry Barriers in Liquor Industry

ENTRY BARRIERS IN LIQUOR INDUSTRY When a new firm enters into an industry it can affect all of the firms that are currently in that industry. â€Å"new entrants to an industry bring new capacity, the desire to gain market share, and often substantial resources. Prices can be bid down or incumbents cost inflated as a result, reducing profitability. †24Therefore as new firms enter into an industry the entire industry’s potential for sustained profits is reduced due to the increased amount of competition in that industry. Some factors help reduce the threat of entry as they act as barriers that prevent new firms from entering into an industry. These factors include economies of scale, product differentiation, capital requirements, access to distribution channels, and government regulations. When these factors reduce the threat of entry, the profit potential for the industry increases. Economies of Scale. Economies of scale is defined as the â€Å"declines in unit costs of a product as the absolute volume per period increase† Therefore the greater quantity of a product that is produced the lower the cost of each will be to the producer. This creates an advantage for a high volume producer like those seen in the brewing industry. Economies of scale in the brewing industry also exist in areas other than in production and these include purchasing, distribution, and advertising. For example, national brewers achieve economies of scale in advertising through bulk media purchases and umbrella brand marketing. Local-craft brewers spend more than twice that spent by large brewers on marketing and advertising per barrel. 25 One company in particular, which is Anheuser-Busch, has done an extremely good job in exploiting the economies of scale that are present in the brewing industry. Anheuser-Busch has been able to leverage its 45 percent U. S. market share into 75 percent of the industry’s operating profits through significant economies of scale in the areas of raw material procurement, manufacturing efficiency and marketing. †26 As shown here there are substantial economies of scale available in the national beer brewing industry. This is a good factor for firms that are currently in the industry as the y can take advantage of these unit cost breaks and while doing so also discourage the entry of new firms into the industry. Product Differentiation. in general, people cannot tell the difference between brands of beer. Second, more expensive brands do not cost proportionately more to make than â€Å"economy† beer. Capital Requirements. The capital requirements necessary to compete on the national level against the established firms are extremely high. These high costs of operation and construction expenses act as a barrier to entry for firms that are considering trying to compete in this industry on the highest level. Access to Distribution Channels. When a new firm is trying to enter into an industry it can find that existing competitors may have ties with [distribution] channels based on long relationships. Government Regulation. The government's excise policy is subject to a lot of sudden changes. The manufacturers sometimes just need to get their L-1 licenses renewed and at times they need to apply afresh, like in the year 2001. In 1993, the L-1 license holders were allowed to set up 5 ‘dedicated' shops in Delhi in which they could sell their approved brands in addition to having them sold in the government retail shops. The policy was withdrawn in an ad-hoc manner in 1994. On being questioned about the effects of this policy, an official in one of the country's leading breweries said that the introduction of this policy had led to an increase in their revenue by almost 30% which they have lost out on since the policy got crushed. Recently, the government's policy to open up 45 private liquor shops was quashed by the cabinet, because it meant that the MLA's power in the issue of a no-objection certificate for the setting up of a retail outlet would be questioned. Had this policy been implemented, the government would have earned Rs. 7. 5 lakhs on each vend as license fees annually.

Analyzing Psychological Disorders Essay

A psychiatric or psychological disorder is a disorder of psychological function severe enough to warrant treatment by a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist. Schizophrenia, emotional disorders, Anxiety and Tourette’s syndrome are all classified as psychiatric disorders. The distinguishing line between neuropsychological disorders and psychiatric disorders is quite thin. Though the two types of disorders are a result of a dysfunctional brain, the malfunctions which create psychiatric disorders remain undefined. Psychiatric disorders are often linked to environmental factors as well as dysfunction of the brain. As psychological research advances, treatments and a better understanding of psychiatric disorders comes to bear. The term schizophrenia means a psychic break or â€Å"splitting of psychic function†. (Pinel, 2007). The NIH & National Library of Medicine web site defines schizophrenia as having five different categories: catatonic, disorganized, paranoid, residual, and undifferentiated. (NIH & National Library of Medicine, 2008). Each category of the disorder has a specific set of symptoms that is mostly unique to that category of the disorder, but schizophrenia in general creates a delusional picture of reality which disrupts the person’s behavior, logic and emotions. A good example of schizophrenia and the related dissociative disorders are the movie Sybil or the more recent film A Beautiful Mind, and another fine example is the television show United States of Tara. Both movies and the Showtime network’s series depict the lives of a person suffering with schizophrenia or dissociative disorders. Neuroleptics and antipsychotic drugs are known to alleviate symptoms associated with schizophrenia. Clozapine is a type of neuroleptic that does not produce side effects like those associated with Parkinson’s disease. The medication is known to cause blood disorders. Neuroleptic medication is used to block the dopamine receptors though it takes time for the drug to lessen schizophrenic symptoms. Though neuroleptics help schizophrenics, only certain patients do benefit from the relief these drugs can offer. Schizophrenic patients suffering from hallucinations and incoherence react to the medication; however; schizophrenics suffering from cognitive defects are not affected. The NIH & National Library of Medicine web site mentioned atypical antipsychotics have proven to treat symptoms for schizophrenia  with few side effects and is the best option for those suffering with schizophrenia. (NIH & National Library of Medicine, 2008). A surgeon in the 1950’s and early 1960’s used a drug called chlorpromazine on patients to alleviate swelling prior to surgery. The doctor noticed that the medicine acted as a calming agent and recommended chlorpromazine to relax hard to control psychotic patients. Chlorpromazine did not assuage the symptoms of psychosis, but the medicine showed potential for easing some symptoms in schizophrenic patients. During the research process the side effects of chlorpromazine which are symptoms of Parkinson’s disease were evident. Researchers concluded that people suffering from Parkinson’s disease die from a minute level of dopamine. Schizophrenics display a high-level of dopamine. Therefore Parkinson’s and Schizophrenia seem to be on the opposite end of the spectrum. A breakthrough emerged in the dopamine theory with Carlsson and Lindqvist. The duo studied the Chlorpromazine in relation to schizophrenia and revised the dopamine theory of schizophrenia. Chlorpromazine was found to block dopamine receptors instead of the original theory of reducing dopamine levels. Therefore, the duo concluded through research that schizophrenia was  not due to high-levels of dopamine, but with over activity at the dopamine receptors. (Pinel, 2007). Emotional disorders are another form of a psychiatric disorder. Emotional disorders include: bipolar disorder, depression, and mania. Depression is classified as a state of unbearable sadness. At some point in a person’s life one will encounter a period of depression due to a tragedy such as loss of a loved one, poor health, or a series of bad luck. However, most people will break through the grip of depression and return to a normal life. Those with depression have a hard time seeing anything in a positive light. Depression ruins relationships at work and in the home; the disease also takes over the person making it difficult to engage in a normal day-to-day routine. Mania is the opposite of depression and is linked to high energy and impulse. A person suffering from mania appears to be full of energy or â€Å"hopped up† on energy drinks like Red-Bull and caffeine; they are filled with such enthusiasm, have boundless energy and talk fast. Though it sounds like an exceptional  thing to be constantly in a good spirits there is a negative side to the disorder. Impulsiveness is a part of mania and many suffers act on impulse not thinking before they do anything. The end result is unfinished projects, bills that cannot be paid, and relationships ruined. A person who suffers from manic episodes and depression episodes is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. There are two theories created to explain the causes of emotional disorders. According to Pinel (2007), â€Å"The monoamine theory of depression holds that depression is associated with under-activity at serotonergic and noradrenergic synapses. It is based on the fact that monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors, and selective norepinephrinereuptake inhibitors are all agonists  of serotonin, norepinephrine, or both.† The second theory is Diathesis-Stress model. The second theory focuses on genetic predispositions of a person as well as environmental factors that influence the disorder. This means that people who have stress early on will overreact to stressful situations later in life in turn causing depression. (Pinel, 2007). There are four types of medicine used to treat emotional disorders. Iproniazid is a Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) initially used to treat tuberculosis but failed. On the contrary the patients did not have as many depressive thoughts about the illness. Iproniazid has severe effects when combined with tyramine rich foods. Imipamine is a tricyclic antidepressant which has proven to be more effective than MAOI’s. The next medication is Lithium which was shown to alleviate symptoms of mania. The discovery was made when a researcher tested guinea pigs and the results proved to calm them. Lithium is used as a mood stabilizer in bi-polar patients since it blocks the patient from transitioning between extreme highs and lows. The fourth medicine used more commonly in recent years is selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The most common of the SSRI’s are Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil. The SSRI’s are reported to have few side effects and are able to treat multiple disorders. (Pinel, 2007). â€Å"Anxiety is chronic fear that persists in the absence of any direct threat.† (Pinel, 2007). Anxiety is accompanied by rapid heartbeat, heavy or difficulty breathing and high blood pressure. There are five  types of anxiety disorders including: general anxiety, phobias, obsessive compulsiveness, panic, and post traumatic stress disorder. Theories involving anxiety disorders presume the amygdala has a role in anxiety disorders. The brain’s involvement in anxiety is cloudy at best since each patient tested shows different results. (Pinel, 2007). Benzodiazepines and serotonin agonists are the most effective medications used to combat anxiety. Valium and Librium are two of the most commonly prescribed medications, though they tend to make the patient drowsy. The medicine is  also known to be highly addictive and is recommended only for short-term usage. Buspirone is a serotonin agonist which relaxes the body and causes sleepiness. (Pinel, 2007). Tourette’s syndrome is known for involuntary movements or sounds known as tics. The Cedars-Sinai web site notes that the tics can vary from body movements and vocal tics. The tics can be a little as involuntary eye blinking or more noticeable yelling of obscene words or phrases. Little is known as to the cause of Tourette’s, however there is speculation that the limbic cortex, association cortex and thalamus are connected to the disorder. (Pinel, 2007). With the cause still a mystery there is no cure for Tourette’s, but though counseling, relaxation therapy and hypnosis healthcare professionals can help treat the disorder. (Cedars-Sinai. 2008). Psychiatric disorders vary in many ways. Schizophrenia affects the brain and causes hallucinations, emotional disorders affect a person’s mood in extreme ways, and anxiety causes fear and health issues, while Tourette’s causes tics ranging from subtle to severe. Over time psychological advances in research and treatment have been made allowing professionals in the field to effectively treat each disorder. References CEDARS-SINAI. (2008). Tourette’s syndrome. Retrieved June 10, 2009, from NIH & National Library of Medicine. (2008). Medical Encyclopedia: Schizophrenia. Retrieved June 9, 2009, from Pinel, J. P. J. (2007). Basics of Biopsychology. Boston, MA. Allyn and Bacon.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Global Warming Affects International Business

During the 20th century, the earth's average surface temperature increased by 0. 6 °  ± (). 2 °C (Folland et al. 2001), and there’s strong evidence that human activities are the main cause of this trend (Mitchell et al. 2001). This increase in global surface temperature is thought to have at least some effect on the frequency of extreme weather events due to climate changes (Folland et al. 2001), and there is concern that these changes will have an enormous impact on various industries (Hitz and Smith 2004). Balancing environmental measures with economic development, that is, working toward sustainable development, is the fundamental goal of global environmental policies, including those for global warming (Hijioka, Masui, Takahashi, Matsuoka, and Harasawa 2006). Over the last decade, scientists have extensively studied the greenhouse effect, which holds that the accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) is expected to produce global warming and other significant climatic changes over the next century (Mendelsohn, Nordhaus and Shaw, 1994). In this essay, we will be discussing about the impact to an analysis of global warming change effects on agriculture and insurance industries, and some qualitative conclusions on the relative importance of the government decision. Numerous studies indicate major impacts on agriculture, especially if there is significant mid-continental drying and warming in the country (Mendelsohn et al. , 1994). Normally, sky-high food prices reflect scarcity caused by crop failure. Stocks are run down as everyone lives off last year's stores. This year harvests have been poor in some places, notably Australia, where the drought-hit wheat crop failed for the second year running. And world cereals stocks as a proportion of production are the lowest ever recorded. The run-down has been accentuated by the decision of large countries (America and China) to reduce stocks to save money (Peterson, 1979). With respect to research on global warming, United States and other international research programs are aiming towards improving future predictions. Such programs are arguably weakest in modelling feedbacks from human activities, including effects of trends towards greater urbanization and deforestation on local and regional climates. Economic incentives and culturally motivated practices are in large part driving changes in land use. Understanding incentives and responses by individuals, companies, and governments in developing countries will strengthen the human behavioural component of feedbacks to the climate system. U. S farm policy merits reform to increase farmers’ flexibility in responding to climatic changes without financial penalties that government programs may potentially give to such responses. Besides, government also introduce price support programs to inhibit climate change adaptation. Subsidies, tariffs and non-tariff barriers continue to distort world trade in agriculture and food. Subsidised prices reduce the ability of farmers in non-subsidising countries to earn a sustainable income and generate the capital required to increase production and improve productivity (Hill, Cronk and Wickramasekera, 2011). For example, today’s farmers are paid any positive difference between the support price for any program commodity and the international market price. International commodity markets smooth the price effects of production and consumption shocks, so changes in the patterns of food consumption induced by climate change thus are tempered by open trade or called free trade (Robert and Sally, 1995). Free trade occurs when there is an absence of barriers to the free flow of goods and services between countries Free trade might also increase the efficiency with which a country’s stock of resources of resources, as increased supplies of labour and capital from abroad become available for use within the country (Hill, Cronk and Wickramasekera, 2011). One manifestation insight is the joint implementation approach to greenhouse gas reductions initiated by several countries, including the U. S. Under joint implementation, the least costly projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or enhance carbon sinks can be pursued jointly across countries by, in essence, giving private agents and governments opportunities to meet emission reduction targets anywhere and in cooperation with ay others around the world. For example, forestry projects are one of the important outcomes of joint implementation in agriculture industry. Planting trees in reforestation or afforestation projects enhances the absorptive capacity of the biosphere and leads to carbon dioxide reductions in the atmosphere(Robert and Sally, 1995). Besides, Tesco, a European supermarket chain, is beginning a program to provide a global warming rating for everything it sells (Scot, 2007). The chain is creating an index to measure the â€Å"carbon footprint† required to produce, package, and transport ach product in its stores. Consumers can then include the carbon footprint along with price and product quality when making purchasing decisions. Weather and climate are ‘‘core business’’ for the insurance industry. Many extreme weather events such as cyclones, hailstorms, bushfires and floods are projected to increase in either intensity or frequency under climate change. A changing, less predictable climate has the potential to reduce the insurance industry’s capacity to calculate, price and spread this weather-related risk. In Australia, 19 out of the 20 most costly natural disasters, in terms of property insurance losses, have been weather related (Michael, 2007). While insurers face huge risks for society’s failure to act to curb greenhouse gas emissions, there are untapped opportunities for the insurance industry to use its financial muscle to push for changes in government policies as well as damaging business practices of the oil and fossil fuel power generating companies and the auto industry, to name the most obvious (Carrie, 2003). Analysis of the risks associated with climate change provides insurance companies with a working example of the benefits in considering long-term as well as short term issues. Understanding long-term risks and opportunities enables insurers to ensure our business is sustainable in the long term, while generating enduring shareholder value (Michael, 2007). Insurers and reinsurers using their considerable financial resources as â€Å"catalysts† for the development of renewable, emission reductions and energy efficient technologies could serve the industry by reducing risks and opening up new lines of business activity (Carrie, 2003). Government is committed to undertaking further research to increase the scientific understanding of the impacts of global warming, to identify ways to reduce the impact that global warming is expected to have on society and to identify insurance based, policies incentives for a reduction in future greenhouse gas emissions. However, success in dealing with this global problem requires action across the entire economy. While we are learning more about the economics and geophysics of global warming, policy makers should continue to seek ways to minimize social costs of climate change and change mitigation, a process which the economics profession has much to contribute. Prominent examples of efficiency-enhancing policy measures are he promotion of free trade, the liberalization of farm policy, and the joint implementation of greenhouse gas reduction objectives under the Framework Convention on Climate change (Robert and Sally, 1995). Climate change presents a strong case for the need for business, governments and community groups to work together to find sustainable solutions to this critical challenge of the 21st century (Michael, 2007).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Portrait of an Artist MichelAngelo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Portrait of an Artist MichelAngelo - Essay Example Yet, the spiritual beauty of his art defied his personality as it elevated man to a position closer to his God. Commissioned by Popes and the richest patrons of the time, for 89 years Michelangelo defied his contradictory nature as he channeled his pessimistic sadness and transformed his art into a symbol of hope and eternal optimism. The works of Michelangelo have been seen by millions of people as a work of transcendental spiritual beauty, but for Michelangelo it was simply the product of his dedication and hard work. Michelangelo had carefully laid the groundwork for his art as a studious young man and a serious artist. He studied painting as a craft, philosophy, and anatomy, which would give him a deeper understanding of the form of man and his role in the creation of the universe. However, at the age of 17 he was faced with being in the commission of Piero dei Medici, a powerful leader that the people of Florence despised. Within two years Michelangelo's dark and individualistic nature caused him to reject the Medici commission and flee to Bologna, which drove the artist further into depression. According to Ruvoldt, "Since antiquity, melancholy's link to exceptional achievement had been seen as small consolation for its considerable drawbacks, including crippling depression" (88-89). These early hardships a nd setbacks would drive Michelangelo away from social contact and propel him closer to the spiritual nature of Christianity. Michelangelo would distance himself from the craft and technicalities that his training had given him in favor of searching for the spiritual component of art. He did not wish to be seen as a craftsperson or merely a technician. These were the qualities of man and art was the providence of God. This tension would further drive Michelangelo into the isolation of depression and sadness. A statue carved when Michelangelo was 19 years old, the Bologna Angel, illustrates his frustration with the limitations of man. According to Luchs, "The hands holding the candelabrum curve smoothly around it, waxy and boneless, in a thorough renunciation of the anatomical knowledge Michelangelo had recently and arduously acquired from his dissections at Santo Spirito" (222). At this young age Michelangelo was already tormented by his search for spirituality in a world that was caged with the mortality of man. One of Michelangelo's greatest works, the Sistine Chapel, embodies the tension between sadness and elation as well as the contrast between isolation and universal unity. Michelangelo did not employ a large staff of apprentices as was often the custom of his time, and chose to complete the task by himself. Michelangelo completed the design, the drawing, and the painting in isolation at the top of the chapel. Yet, the work that Michelangelo did on the Sistine chapel is today viewed by 3 million people that make a pilgrimage to Rome to gain a greater understanding of man as a product of their God (Romaine 23). Yet, this great work of art required the torment of loneliness and the deafening silence that his isolation provided. A committee could not have created it. Michelangelo's melancholy and optimism would be played out through his pen and brush, as the work is a study in the contrast between the mortal failings of man and the perfection of spirituality. The centerpiece of the Sistine Chapel is the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Compare and Contrast the metatheoretical assumptions that underly Essay

Compare and Contrast the metatheoretical assumptions that underly Idealism and Realism - Essay Example Idealism concerns itself with ideas and places its existence over the nature of the material world, that is, the material world must adhere to the ideas that are presented, whatever they may be. Idealism may be Subjective or Objective, depending on how the idealists view the existence of the sensing world. Idealism is said to be subjective when the external world is believed to be non-existent and that the world beyond sensation cannot be understood. However, it is said to be objective when the external world is the expression of the ideal forces, which may be expressed as the Will of God or the Absolute Idea, that the Mind has direct access with. Because of this latter belief, several methodologies were developed to aid this search for the Absolute Idea. One of the idealistic methods involves elemental analysis - concepts are divided into simple elements which are then subjected to simple and self-evident axioms similar to mathematical principles. In this method, complexity of the s ocial structure is reduced in its elemental form. Another method, considered as the most popular one is the a priori method - an object is understood in terms of logically deducing a general conception of its nature. In this method, premise development is critical in ensuring that the deduction is in its most accurate form. On the other hand, realism claims that ideas must adhere to what is experienced in this world, and hence, upon the materials present in this world (MIA: Encyclopedia of Marxism). In this respect, the debate between idealism and realism is whether what comes first - ideas or materials - and what is more important to pursue. Both philosophical approaches have distinct impact in the operation of the world since their conception. Idealism is able to influence its mode of thinking in politics, philosophy and religion (Hutchison). In politics, Conservative and Liberal idealism takes the center stage. Because the nature of politics is concrete in terms of its actions, these political streams are commonly objective. Nevertheless, they have significant differences in how they act politically. First, the conservatives aim to restore a Golden Age from the past, whereas the liberalists seek to make progress through Utopia (Hutchison). Although the end goal is that of an ideal world, the way in which they view how and especially when to reach these goals is basically different. The conservatives were also more successful in their program. The Christian Republics in Geneva, early Massachusetts and Holland were flourished more than the experimental liberal Utopian communities in terms of economics and culture (Hutchi son). The impact of idealism in philosophy is seen from the development of German mode of thinking such as Existentialism, Postmodern Deconstructionism and the concept of the New Age (Hutchison). In religion, idealism was able to influence Greek Orthodox, Protestant and Catholic spirituality in terms of their divine missions. The Greek Orthodox monks, for instance, longs for the restoration of Eden; the Protestant church idealized the state of the early church characterized by simple small sects richly blessed by God; and the Catholics from the words of Pope Gregory VII who calls himself the "vicegerent of Christ" prophesize the restoration of Kingdom of Christ in the millennium or after it (Hutchison).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Dealing with conflicts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dealing with conflicts - Assignment Example The land was in a different area from my area of residence. After the purchase, another owner came up claiming that the land was his hence creating a conflict of interest on the right ownership of the land. This was attributed to the fact that, for a long period of time, the area had been faced with problems of land conflict (Adler & Proctor, 2010). This was what I was not aware of and it became a challenge after purchasing the land. It was challenging for me to defend this case because of the difference in our ethnic backgrounds. Date In order to arrive at an appropriate remedy, it was vital that we book an appointment with each other in order to discuss our fate. We agreed to meet after each of us had acquired the right documents that were valid in laying claims on the land. After two weeks, we were all ready to meet each other each accompanied by those who had sold the land. I turned up with all the relevant documents together with the financial transactions that I had undertaken in order to pay for the piece of land (Ronald & Adler, 1981). The claimer on the other hand, also turned up with documents that ended up not being valid and was forced to make a follow up to the person who had sold him the land. The conflict had now been extended to the third party. Negotiation of a Solution The incompatibility between the goals of the buyer and the seller ended up in a conflict between two parties hence a struggle. The scenario indicates that the buyer had negative intentions towards the opposing party with which we were conflicting for the land. The problem in this context was the lack of trust between the initial seller of the land and the buyer who had been conned. Through the win win experiment, it is clear that I won the conflict as it finally came out that the initial seller had negative intentions for his buyer. The seller may have tried to avoid the conflict by defending the first seller but the truth finally came out. This attempt to avoid the truth is a p essimistic attitude and this deceptive behaviour, goes ahead to make the conflict grow hence becoming unbearable in future (Adler & Proctor, 2010). Clans learn to hate their neighbours and conflicts become something normal and part of the society. The need in this context was to find the rightful owner of the land in question. The partner’s point of view was the fact that he also owned the same land I knew was mine. However, further interrogation by using the documents brought a valid solution and the owner was me. Pillow Method The pillow method, serves as a communication tool in which the actions of an individual are justified by his words and sometimes it is through some of the words that a conflict arises. This is because, we are likely to hear something different from what is expected and this may in the end bring about a conflict. For instance, there is the use of the words, â€Å"I’m right, you are wrong,† and they serve as judgmental statements that are likely to end up in conflict. Such statements, often elicit conflict in the sense that the parties have not listened to each other yet they are already judging the situation. It is always advisable to find the strengths in other people’s mistakes in order to avoid conflicts. This is however a rare trait in most individuals who are always quick to judge and confront those who wrong them and the result is a conflict (Crosland, 1987). The method was applicable in my conflict case in the sense that we were able to listen to the two differing parties and reach an applicable remedy to the conflict. This shows that communication is essential aspect in solving conflict and without it consensus and agreement cannot be

Friday, July 26, 2019

CRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

CRM - Essay Example Companies use BI in; surfacing new opportunities, cutting costs and identifying inefficient processes that need of re-engineering. Challenges that come with BI can be avoided if the data that are fed to BI application is clean and consistent. A good example of BI tool used worldwide is Microsoft Excel since it permits users to calculate, present and display numerical data; however, it is a poor BI tool (ZIFF DAVIS 2). Both large organizations and SMBs benefit from using BI technology. SMBs can greatly utilize low-cost, easy-to-use, easy-to-deploy BI options. Some examples are; desktop-analysis tools, quick-to-deploy software-as-a-service and scaled-down suites. BI tools become friendly to SMBs through novel technologies in the form of open source, Web 2.0 interface, new visualization technology and in-memory technology. The crucial BI-jargon are; analytics, benchmarking, Business performance management (BPM), predictive analytics, complex event processing, data mining and online analytical processing (OLAP) (ZIFF DAVIS 4). SMBs should take advantage of Business Intelligence. However, SMBs are challenged from achieving this dream becomes of slim technology budgets and limited IT support. To counter the above, some vendors have developed no cost and low-cost tools other vendors focus on midsize markets while big players provide scaled-down BI suites. BI tools are increasingly acquiring the characteristics of being affordable, fast to deploy and easy to use (ZIFF DAVIS

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Supply Chain and Operations Management of Ferruccio Lamborghini Essay

Supply Chain and Operations Management of Ferruccio Lamborghini - Essay Example From this study it is clear that   Lamborghini produces both engines and cars, Aventador being its latest mainstream product. Named after a well known Spanish bull, Aventador has incorporated Lamborghini’s trademark theme as a product; power and exquisiteness inspired from bulls and bullfighting. Priced at $376,000 and performing a 0-100 km/h acceleration in just 2.9 seconds, Aventador has gotten the interest of many sports car enthusiasts from the start of its production. The sales of the car were high enough to make its 1000th sale within 15 months   Like its predecessors, Aventador has continued to break the records of previous Lamborghini models and has shown the sales to be high enough to beat the model it replaced, Murcielago, within five years. Considering the challenges Lamborghini faces from its rivals, profitability from its expensive cars has to be kept in line with the performance and care has to be taken so as not to compromise the car’s high performanc e for the sake of higher sales. ... With the tight production and delivery schedules of a multitude of produced units, the suppliers get under enormous pressure from the manufacturers who want to keep their products on top of the market. In order to maintain the tight schedule, component suppliers have been pushed to set up their factories with the top commercial vehicle producers by their requisition of geographically feasible regions of Asia. This paper highlights that employing production systems like Kanban to fulfill customer oriented production to achieve just in time production, the commercial manufacturers have driven the market to an unlikely position for sports car manufacturers. Lamborghini’s production facility has 831 employees and is located at Sant'Agata Bolognese, Italy. As such, the company gets to use the country’s vast automotive production set up and does not get affected by the production dynamics of the domestic usage cars. Yet, the sport car prod uction has its own competition to deal with. The tight schedule and intricate timings make the manufacturers outsource some parts of their supply chain to reduce the load while the rest are carefully managed by the company. Lamborghini also uses the best possible routes to manufacturing often outsourcing some noncore aspects of production or supply chain either to reduce load or to increase efficiency. The high sales, with the first year’s production of Aventador - the first new model introduced in 10 years - all sold out, have put a high demand strain on the company . Lamborghini announced at a press event in Sant’Agata that the production of Aventador had increased its production capacity to 3.5 cars a day.  

'A Current Affair' and 'Today Tonight' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

'A Current Affair' and 'Today Tonight' - Essay Example The main role of mass media of informing and entertaining influences the way people live and conduct their businesses (O'Donnell 265). Rapid technological advancements particularly in respect to internet has significantly enhance the role that mass media plays in the world. Internet technology has widened the audience for media houses as the audience can catch the programs from virtually anywhere in the world and at anytime. Also, internet technology has enabled the audience to watch, listen or read the current and past contents of their interest from a particular media company (Lamble 18). Television programs have gained prominence over the years as the most preferred form of getting information and entertainment. As a result, many media houses have focused towards bettering their television programs’ content, reporting style, and visuals in order to meet or exceed the expectations of the target audience (Stuart Cunningham and Graeme 34). In basic terms, a television program refers to a segment of content that is intended for broadcast at a particular time or day(s) on television (Herd 9). This essay will discuss the programs ‘A Current Affair’ and ‘Today Tonight’, which are popular current affairs programs on Australian commercial television. The essay will seek to explain the elements that come together to make these programs successful. ... The program was revived in 1988 and has gradually grown to be one of the most popular television programs in Australia. According to the Australian TV ratings in 2008, the program had achieved about 1,130,000 viewers, coming second after ‘Today Tonight’ which had achieved about 1,380,000 viewers (O'Donnell 266). So, what elements have come together to make the program successful? One of the elements that have made the program successful is its content. The program is primarily informational and tends to offer information regarding the current affairs in Australia (Blundell). Like other societies, Australia is faced with a myriad of issues that affect its population in one way or another. It is against this background that A Current Affairs’ content is packaged; it is packaged to focus on various public affairs issues (Stuart Cunningham and Graeme 49). For example, it focuses on the issues of money such as how one can fight unfair speeding fines and makes some savi ngs. Also, the content of the program focuses on issues of food and nutrition where it is concerned with aspects of health eating and on how various diets negatively impact one’s health. Besides, its content focuses on family including how families are raised and some of the challenges that they are facing (A Current Affair). Moreover, the content of the program includes issues of business; how one can run successful business and some of the pitfalls to watch out for and avoid. Furthermore, its content addresses personalities such as celebrities and politicians and their various behaviors and activities and how they impact on the society (Lamble 55). In a nutshell, the content of the program focuses on various social, economic, cultural, and political issues and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Evidence-Based Practice Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evidence-Based Practice - Dissertation Example 1. PICOT Question: Does the obese African American (black) sixteen-year-old girl patient undergoing mastectomy and weight loss after surgery have a better chance of losing it that would result to the cancer not spreading to other parts after mastectomy if doctors assist her in losing weight compared if they do not intervene? 2. Intervention Question: In obese African American (black) teenage patients with breast cancer (P), how effective is weight loss after mastectomy compared to mastectomy without any weight loss (C) in minimizing the chances of the cancer spreading to other body parts after treatment (O) during and after the recovery and weight loss period? 3. Therapy Question: How long does it take a patient to lose weight (O) when the patient is an obese African American (black) teenage girl with breast cancer (P) whose doctor assists her in losing weight (I) as opposed to the patient whose doctor does not assist her in losing weight (C) after the six weeks recovery period (T)? 4. Etiology Question: Are obese African American (black) teenage girls (P) whose doctors assist in weight loss (I) lose weight faster and reduce chances of the cancer spreading to other body parts (O) compared with obese African American (black) teenage girls (P) whose doctors do not assist in weight loss (C) after the six weeks recovery period (T)? 5. Diagnostic Question: Is doctors assisting their patients lose weight after mastectomy (I), for obese African American (black) teenage girls (P) a better way of avoiding the cancer from spreading to other body parts (O) compared with doctors who do not help their patients lose weight (C)? 6. Prevention Question: In obese African American (black) teenage girls with breast cancer (P) what is the probability of the cancer spreading to other body parts after the mastectomy (O) when the doctor assists in the weight loss (I) and when the doctors do not assist in the weight loss (C) after the recovery period (T)?

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Managing in a global society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Managing in a global society - Essay Example It is therefore the reason why international managers should take their time to study these cultures before introducing new products in the market or opening new subsidiaries (Turner, 2000). Communication, for example, is an important tool, necessary for transmitting ideas throughout an organization. However, it is worth noting that communication does not necessarily entail only the formal aspects such as through writing and speaking but also, it entails maintaining personal etiquette and as per the standards required by the host. The US and UK have English language as their official means of communication. Therefore, it would be easy for a UK entrepreneur to establish himself quickly in the US as opposed to Japan, which has Japanese as the major language of communication (Norbury, 2006). The language barrier present between UK and Japan requires foreign investors to study Japanese as their second language especially due to the fact that Japan scores highly under hofstede’s un certainty avoidance index (Varley, 2000). ... It therefore means that the presenter has to exercise patience before pressing for response, failure to which it would be taken to mean that he is disrespectful thereby risking his success. Worse still is the fact that business negotiations may be hampered by lack of understanding for example due to the Japanese reluctance to say no or to criticize openly (Norbury, 2006). It may therefore be confusing for a foreign negotiator to find that everything he says is met with a positive response, while in the real sense his Japanese counterparts are against his propositions. Experts advise foreigners to concentrate more on their sign languages, which could be for example scratching eyebrows, tone in their voice, teeth clenching, frowning in between a conversation among others. For instance, frowning is a sign of disagreement and therefore, it would be wise to concentrate on the facial expressions or better, phrase your statements in a manner that will demand an outright yes or no as an answ er (Varley, 2000). Coming from a country such as UK where open criticism is considered as normal, it would be taken as an insult and destruction of character to practice the same when negotiating with such people. The high uncertainty avoidance index (UAI) has also been described as a hindrance towards effecting change. This is due to the fact that these people are accustomed to predictability such that introduction of new working environments may not receive a friendly welcome (Hofstede, 1996). This is as opposed to the US whereby UAI is low such that it becomes possible for entrepreneurs to introduce new brands in the market and be able to make profit within short periods of time. This is an important observation, which a person intending to invest in the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Measuring Respect Essay Example for Free

Measuring Respect Essay Campbell-Ewald, an award winning integrated communications agency, noticed that their customer relationship management (CRM) solutions were not meeting the expectations that they should. In order to gain an understanding of how respect influences customer loyalty and purchasing, they team up with a research company, Synovate and developed three different surveys. The surveys consisted of 27 to 29 attitudinal statements that customer use a 5-point scale to rate. They statements were designed to measure how the customers defined respect and how important respect was in determining a purchase. They selected more than 5,000 customers from each business sectors: insurance, automotive, and retail, and mailed them the survey to complete. The customers they selected to survey were adults at least 18 years of age (Cooper Schindler, 2011). Once they had received the completed surveys they analyzed the results. They then used the results to validate the relevance of its five â€Å"People Principles†. The five â€Å"People Principles† were: ? Appreciate me ?Intentions don’t matter; actions do ?Listen; then you’ll know what I said. ?It’s about me, not about you. ?Admit it- you goofed! These five â€Å"People Principles† have helped companies like General Motors, Continental Airlines, and Farmers Insurance incorporate respectful behaviors into their business operations (Cooper Schindler, 2011). When Campbell-Ewald and Synovate developed the surveys they knew that they needed to address respect from all areas such as how a customer ranks respect to loyalty, respect to purchases, respect to continue purchases, and respect to referrals. By gaining a complete overview on how a customer reviews respect then they could develop the five â€Å"People Principles† that their clients could use to improve customer service, increase revenue, gain a competitive advantage, and build a thriving business. Campbell-Ewald knew that their research, findings, and developments would be what would make them successful. By using the numerical scale survey they were placing the same standards on all statements, which make the evaluation process easier. When conducting a survey, the more customers you select to survey will increase the number of responses that a research company will receive back. It is not likely that all 5000 customers responded but I am sure well over 50 percent responded, which gave them a diverse poll of responses. Whereas, if they had chose to survey only 100 customers then they may have received only 30 responses, which is not enough when conducting such research. Using the numerical scale makes tally and measuring the result easier, which will make the comparison easier. Also, by using the numerical scale a research firm eliminates the opportunity for researchers to be swayed by a person comments or opinions, a person either agrees or does not agree with no explanation.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Violence on Children

Impact of Violence on Children Violence is understood to mean â€Å"all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse† (United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, 2011). â€Å"Physical violence is the intentional use of physical force with the potential for causing death, disability, injury, or harm.† (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2007). Nowadays, parents are as busy as a bee to bring home the bacon. This leads to the matter that children spend more time in pre-schools, schools or learning environments than anywhere else outside their houses. Thus, people who work in educational systems must take responsibility for safety and total development of children. However, are those educational environments as safe as parents usually think? In reality, UNICEF data points out that corporal retribution has been applied for 6 in 10 children from 2 to 14 years old (UNICEF, 2014). In the same trend, a lot of child abuse cases from baby minders have been reported on famous Vietnamese newspapers since 2008 although kindergarten is said to have best conditions for children growth. The news has caught attention from all social classes about the downgraded morality among a certain population of teaching staff working in pre-school level. It is an urgent problem which should be publicized to people to enhance their awareness about consequences that children have to be suffered like psychology problems. â€Å"All forms of violence against children, however light, are unacceptable.† (United Nations Committee on the Rights of the child, 2011) This essay will look into the physical violence against children from kindergarteners then suggest the solutions before evaluating the effectiveness of those. The rapid increasing of population as well as more people likely moving to the cities have created a lot of problems for society and one of those are schools for children especially for infants. Each locality has an average of 1-2 public nursery schools which is not a small figure but this number still meets only 40-50% of citizens’ needs especially in industrial parks or considerable resident areas. Thus, public pre-schools are overloaded. To be able to send children to those, parents must satisfy many conditions that school as well as ministry of education and training launch as city registration book, priority candidate, †¦ This becomes more and more tense when parents don’t have time for their kids because their jobs take up most of the time and they have to afford to live. Those people even don’t have a day off for themselves. Therefore, founding a private school is indispensable when teaching staff will respond those parents’ demands such as looking after children from 6AM to 6PM everyday or even more with moderate price level. Generally, this establishment has reduced the overcharged case mentioned above as well as the pressure that most of the families having infants suffers but the article inquiring about the violence against children in kindergartens recently has constantly raised anxiety of people from all walks of life about safety issues in these schools. The big headlines are set at the first page of the newspapers, even in foreign newspapers let people worry much about poor quality as well as the downgraded in morality of the teaching staffs in kindergartens. Taking care of 15-20 children in a day is a big pressure. Instead of improving quality, these people are chasing the profits and leaving their conscience so recently there have been a lot of violence against children cases investigated by police, journalists, reporters and even residents such as arresting the baby-sister who persecuted an 18-month-old to death (Tuoitre News, 2013), Maltreating preschool children (Tuoitre News, 2013), or The kindergartener taught her children by slippers, inox spoons (Tuoitre News, 2010),†¦ â€Å"Educating children must be with love. Violence like those will impact deeply to a child’s lifetime† – said Ninh Thà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¹ Hà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬Å"ng – Member of the Standing Committee of Vietnam Protection of Children’s Rights Association. Violence against children in VietNam in private kindergartens is not just one individual’s responsibility, it’s an unit’s one. State of violence against children originates from many different purposes. Firstly, mentioning is the role and responsibility of parents. Some parents don’t care much about the study of their children. Using cost-saving, temporary reasons to choose substandard environment is unacceptable. This choice led to many unfortunate consequences. Furthermore, pressure that parents put in caregivers is too considerable. Their requirement is that their children must attain certain weight and height. Hence, caregivers must do everything to make children develop in the way that their parents expect so that they can keep their salary. Socializing pre-school policy has created good condition for establishing private schools satisfying minding children need of those families that don’t have enough terms for their adolescence to go to public schools. Howerer nowsaday, most pre-schools in Vietnam don’t meet the standard of material facilities or quality of teaching. Those places transform housing into teaching environment so they don’t have playgrounds according to regulations. Every classroom has about 30-40 children so it is difficult for every childminder to take care thoughtfully all of these adolescence. Hence, compelling children into order and discipline, teaching staff have to use physical methods. Furthermore, some caregivers choose teaching as a job to earn money not because they love children. Thus, violence is an action representing the powerless in teaching skill and lacking of scientific education methods. But most, one of those reasons is the downgraded morality among a certain population of teaching staff working in the preschool level. Deeply, it is because the law is not enforced seriously. Beside the level of law of residents is poor while children rights are publicized and executed. This incidentally led to violence against children cases. Consequences of child abuse are grave. They bequeath after-effects on adolescence’s brain and constitution. Physical impacts are the most obvious and may include serious wounds or deaths by homicide or suicide. Then, children can be retarded in the future. Durrant JE (2005) suggests that children who have suffered corporal punishment tend to take part in aggressive behaviour such as hurting their families or friends in future. They can’t control their action correctly. â€Å"When children grow up they keep what was done to them in mind and in the end they also do the same to those younger than them, especially at school. Some people become mentally disturbed.† Said a boy -14 years old living in Eastern and Southern Africa, 2005. Steven,D.(2014) states that abuse has a longlife effect on children’s mental and psychological development. Children who have suffered violence have 6% smaller brain than normal. Violence may lead to mental disorder or nervous disorder on children. Because the brains have similar patterns of activity to soldiers exposed to combat. Moreover, children may change their personality as taciturn, stubborn and strange activities. Steven also confirms that victim may find it difficult communicating and set up relationship. This may make things worse. UNICEF(2014) puts forward some strategies that are believed to reduce violence against children. The first method is enforcing laws and polices strictly. Government have the duty to forbid irrevocably violence against children by law.Children’s right has been publicized and executed for over 10 years. Child abuse cases such as PhÆ °Ãƒâ€ Ã‚ ¡ng Anh kindergarten or teaching children by slippers and inox spoons must be judged strongly in order to awaken who used or have intention of using corporal retribution. People who have any action violating children’s safety must bear full responsibility for any damage and expiate behind the court of justice. Punishment suitable to the offence may prevent violent tendency to zero. Secondly, carrying out data collection and research is an appropriate way to expand knowledge based on the issue. This process let researchers, psychologists find the far-reaching cause of the violence then solving the problem to the every roots. Furt hermore, releasing those documents will change people’s thoughts and action. They may have consciousness and be indignant of alarming child abuse situation. Last but not least, ministry of education and training must assume responsibilities that teaching methods and disciplinary punishment of all schools must not include threat, physical force, or humiliation . Administrators must ensure the implementation of related policies and procedures at the school level– specifically putting a stop to corporal punishment. Moreover, quality of teaching needs to be improved. Good teacher recruitment and training must one the most important strategies to reduce violence. All school staff must be well- educated and have good virtues. Those will create good environment – letting children be the center, listening to their needs and concerns and alleviating children’s opposing when adults compel them to do something that they dislike and deeply is violence. Related agenci es ought to make an examination of valid papers to ensure that no educational foundations are set up illegally then bring forward standards every school needs to execute exactly. If those agencies don’t manage this closely, state of violence still happens.

SWOT Analysis of Starbucks

SWOT Analysis of Starbucks 1. INTRODUCTION The following content is a case study on Starbucks company one if the famous and well known coffee shop in the world. This case study highlights about the:  · SWOT ANALYSIS  · PESTLE ANALYSIS  · PORTERS FIVE FORCES The history of Starbucks takes us back in the year 1971. It is a trade mark of (SBUX) in Seattle. In the start it was a purchaser and roaster of whole coffee beans. In the year 1970 the first Starbucks out let opened which used to provide finest coffee and coffee related products to the thirsty people of Seattle. In the year 1990 Starbucks went global expanding in the United States and soon become a publicly traded company. In 2000 the company expended in more than 15000 outlets in around more than 15 countries. Starbucks mission statement is simple; to inspire and nurture the human spirit— one person, one cup, and one neighbourhood at a time 2. Swot analysis for Starbucks 2.1 Strength * The Starbucks has a strong ethical values and also a strong ethical mission statement ‘Starbucks is committed to a role of environmental leadership in all facets of our business a positive approach towards had made Starbucks one of the no1 specialty retailer. * The market share and capitalization Starbucks owned  £4596.6 million and sales growth by 20.9% * Starbucks holds a strong position in the market wherein they have 8,500 shops owned by Starbucks directly and also around 6,500 shops on franchises and licences with excellent workforce and management that provide excellent service to the customer * In 2005 Starbucks was one of the fortunes in 100 companies to work for this was mainly because of the well efficient organisation resource management. 2.2 Weaknesses: * The key weakness of Starbucks is their weakened innovation and creativity that has limited them to coffee and coffee related products * As competitive pressure increases the lower price rivals such as Mc Donald or costa coffee can undercut the company profits as the Starbucks has premium brand with premium prices. * It only depends on coffee and coffee related products that give them a limited growth this criticises them from not using free trade products and a bad reputation from pressure group. * Since Starbucks is a US based company it mainly focuses on the domestic markets of US though Starbucks had grown worldwide none planning on the markets outside the US can affect the targeted profits. 2.3 Opportunities * Starbucks is global cooperation which sells coffee to about 16,000 coffee shops in over 35 countries, established relation with pepsi-co, barners and nobles, dreyrers ice cream and other major brands this gives them a opportunity to diversify. * Addition of more coffee products and expanding the menu gives them an opportunity to grow * Outside the domestic US markets there are a lot of opportunities for joint ventures.thr planning restrictions can be considered by reducing costs by relocating at super market chains, pubs and restaurant. * Become more of social and environmental responsible brand by better public relation activity,fair trade policies and ethical sourcing practices * Licensing its name through ambient coffee through super market that gives them an opportunity to increase their revenue. 2.4 Threats * Downturn in the economy affects consumer spending, with less income to spend this has been the threats in the recent years. * Criticizing on the web site about companys fair policies, labour relation and environmental hazards had a bad effect on the companies goodwill and has hence affected the revenue * The threats have been increasing by competition from national brands and new entrants, this putting pressure on profit margins. Companies seeks new way to differentiate to retain customers. * Saturation in the coffee market can be the worst threat as the Starbucks in very much linked with coffee and coffee related products 3. Pestle analysis for Starbucks 3.1 Political-Current tensions in the Middle East and boycotts of American made products are strategic concerns for Starbucks globalization plans. Starbucks also imports their coffee beans and thus any changes in import laws should also demand special attention. 3.2 Economic- Economic factors basically concern the nature and direction of the economy in which a firm operates. Current recession has forced people to limit their spending hence this has affected the sales of Starbucks. Also the price hike in the commodities e.g. coffee beans which are used to make coffee in Starbucks has forced them to increase the prices of the coffee. Consumers dont find as much worth in spending $4.35 for a cup of coffee when they can purchase the same size coffee at 7-eleven for $1. 75 3.3 Social- Promoting the health benefits of coffee remains a challenge for the industry and consumers are often confused with the myths propagated by the media. Social concerns regarding caffeine and it addictive properties also need to be considered these days the people are so environment concern that the company should learn how to reduce their plastic waste and use recyclable items. 3.4 Technological Factors -Starbucks has been continually looking for ways to enhance the customer experience. They have also expanded their partnership with ATT. ATT offered consumers Wi-Fi service in more than 7,000 Starbucks locations in the U.S. in spring of 2008 also the use of latest technology in brewing coffee beans to enhance the taste and flavour of the coffee served. 3.5 Legal Labour laws( for e.g. increase in the minimum wage of employees) Environmental law (e.g. ban on non recyclable cups and bottles used for take away drinks). 3.6 Ecological Factors- Starbucks also has a strong environmental mission statement. Starbucks promotes ethical sourcing as well and encourages the use environmentally friendly products. Starbucks uses key performance indicators to be sure they are measuring the degree to which they fulfil their social and environmental responsibilities. Starbucks should maintain abreast of any changing environmental legislation that could impact their corporate strategies. 4. Porters Five Forces Analysis The Porter 5 forces analysis is a framework by Michael E. Porter in 1979 for industry analysis and business strategy development to achieve its organisational goal. According to Michael porter there are 5 major factors which influence the business. * Bargaining power of suppliers * Bargaining power of buyers * Threat by substitute products * Rivalry between competitors * Threat of new entrants to a market. Starbucks should consider the following: 4.1 Power of Suppliers: Starbucks prides itself on its guiding principles one of which states, â€Å"Our Coffee-It has always been, and will always be, about quality. Were passionate about ethically sourcing the finest coffee beans, roasting them with great care, and improving the lives of people who grow them.† Therefore, in keeping with their mission and principles, Starbucks must ensure that the type and quality of coffee it offers is always the same. This means they would use the same suppliers that integrate their standards. An over-populated market could also give the suppliers more bargaining power. Starbucks needs to be aware of supplier power and potential price increases. 4.2 Power of Buyers/Customers: A buyer group is powerful if the industrys product does not save the buyer money (Pearce and Robinson, 2007) This is a plus for Starbucks as their coffee products are higher in price and considered a luxury brand. Starbucks is much more concerned with the quality of their product versus price. However; the other consideration is small local coffee companies that were around before Starbucks took over the marketplace. These smaller coffee shops may have their core customers who will not give their business to anyone else. 4.3 Available Substitutes: Starbucks must be aware of substitute products. Given the current grave economic crisis, consumers are vying towards less expensive alternatives than the luxury coffee Starbucks provides. This effect could alter Starbucks current pricing strategies. As more substitutes become available, the current pricing model would become more elastic since customers have more alternatives. Potential substitutes include bottled water, healthy water/juice drinks, and at home espresso machines. 4.4 Current Competitors: While companies like Dazbog and Caribou Coffee appear to be the most obvious competitors, McDonalds and Dunkin Doughnuts are Starbucks tops competitors. Both these organizations can compete with Starbucks in terms of sandwich items and coffee related products. More of a concern with these two competitors is their pricing modules. Both competitors are priced less than Starbucks products. 4.5 Threat of New Entrants: Starbucks provides a luxury good that consumers often scale back on when they want to save money. In 2007, Starbucks saw its shares fall more than 30% partly down to customers deserting it for cheaper rivals. As McDonalds and other chains like Dunkin Doughnuts realize the money in luxury coffee more companies will begin to enter the marketplace offering similar product lines for less cost. 5. Reference To conclude the Starbucks has done very well in the terms of business they have managed to grow within the industry in few years. Ill say this because from a single privately owned coffee house Starbucks was able to expand as a well known coffeehouse internationally and they managed to keep their position in the market. Starbucks needs to keep a close watch on its competitors because of the risk for competitive pressure. Also it needs to develop new types of coffees to sustain the threats for subistutes and also from competitors. They also need to utilize their opportunities to greater extant to be more successful in the future. 6.REFERENCE * Information and financial management, swot analysis, pg 23,10th edition ( Trowbridge, Wiltshire, 2005) * Bob Nelson and Peter Economy, Managing for Dummies, 2nd ed. (New York: Wiley, 2003) * Forbes Magazine. Forbes, S. (2005, December 12). Whoda Thunk It? Coffee Is Hot. Forbes, pp. 33, 33. Retrieved May 15, 2009, from Business Source Premier Database * Starbucks. (2009b). Company Profile. Retrieved May 10, 2009, from * Moneyweek Magazine. Which firms can survive a storm? Tim Bennett, Nov 27, 2007 * Brewing Battle: Starbucks vs. McDonalds, from,8599,1702277,00.html * Starbucks. (2009c). Our Starbucks Mission. Retrieved May 10, 2009, from * Starbucks 2007 Annual Report. Corporate Social Responsibility Brochure * Howard Schultz: Chairman of Starbucks Corporation. * Regis University (2009). Strategic Management and Financial Ratio Analysis. Columbus, OH: McGraw Hill/Irwin

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Moment of Innocence :: essays papers

A Moment of Innocence When I walked into class that day I was indifferent to the movie that we would be watching that evening. Five minutes into A Moment of Innocence (1995) by Mohsan Makhmalbaf, I was hooked. By taking a pseudo-documentary style Makhmalbaf lets us see the people as they are transformed into the characters from the director’s past. This style allows us to â€Å"grow up† with them and to relate to both sides of the story. By taking a true event and fictionalizing, at least part of it, Makhmalbaf has us trying to figure out what parts have been added to the narrative and which parts truly speak to history. A documentary does not strive to tell a story, it looks upon events unemotionally and tries not to colour our ideas about the event. A Moment of Innocence is not a documentary but uses the truth function common to that genre to give us an understanding of the events from both sides and makes us think about how our actions effect others every day. If A Moment of Innoce nce had been a wholly fictional film I do not believe that it would have carried the same emotional impact. Different scenes in the film show us how Makhmalbaf is trying to reconcile his past actions with his feeling today. They also show how he is, while not in any way apologizing for his actions, trying to amend some of the damage he may have caused. There are several scenes in the film that stand out to me as important. The scene that caught me the most off-guard occurred when Makhmalbaf and young Makhmalbaf went to the director’s cousin’s home to try to enlist her daughter to play the roll her mother had played in real life. For just a moment the daughter and young Makhmalbaf step out of themselves and become the characters that they are playing. They make plans to meet the next day for the incident with the policeman, both look nervous, Makhmalbaf returns and they resume their roles as if the exchange had never occurred. This glimpse into what and how the incident was planned gives the audience a look into the type of people that Makhmalbaf and his cousin were as young adults, scared but sure in their purpose. The scene also allows us to step out of the knowledge that this is staged and shows us the characters as people, not actors.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Choice and Responsibility in Death of a Salesman, Young Goodm

Choice and Responsibility in Death of a Salesman, Young Goodman Brown, and   No Exit  Ã‚   Sartre and his existentialist philosophy have been subjects of curiosity for me for years. Only recently, after taking a philosophy class, have I begun to grasp some of the major principals of existentialism. Though I'm unsure about some of the peripheral arguments and implications of existentialism, the core of the system appeals strongly to me: Human beings are themselves the basis of values and meaning, and in this sense values are real--evolving, developing, and real. Existentialism places the individual at the center of things, gives him a sense of empowerment and responsibility, and erects a bridge on which Man can find his way out of many of the traps and snares he constructs for himself. Sartre's character in the play "No Exit," Orestes, finds such freedom and, in a humanist sense, is one of the most enviable characters I encountered in this course. How can this be? Orestes commits two murders and is exiled from his rightful kingdom, barely escaping with his life. What is enviabl... Comparing Choice and Responsibility in Death of a Salesman, Young Goodm Choice and Responsibility in Death of a Salesman, Young Goodman Brown, and   No Exit  Ã‚   Sartre and his existentialist philosophy have been subjects of curiosity for me for years. Only recently, after taking a philosophy class, have I begun to grasp some of the major principals of existentialism. Though I'm unsure about some of the peripheral arguments and implications of existentialism, the core of the system appeals strongly to me: Human beings are themselves the basis of values and meaning, and in this sense values are real--evolving, developing, and real. Existentialism places the individual at the center of things, gives him a sense of empowerment and responsibility, and erects a bridge on which Man can find his way out of many of the traps and snares he constructs for himself. Sartre's character in the play "No Exit," Orestes, finds such freedom and, in a humanist sense, is one of the most enviable characters I encountered in this course. How can this be? Orestes commits two murders and is exiled from his rightful kingdom, barely escaping with his life. What is enviabl...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Chinese Immigration to United States Essay -- Immigration

There were many reasons for the Chinese to come to America. Overcrowding, poverty, war, and other catastrophes in China were all reasons (push) for traveling to America, as well as effective external influences. The discovery of gold was a major pull for Chinese peasants in coming to the West Coast. America's labor needs were the most important external catalyst for immigration. However, there were very few ways of traveling to the United States. With loans from the Six Companies, Chinese were able to afford fare to America, and they traveled here to work primarily as gold miners, fishermen, or agricultural workers; later settling into laundry services and restaurant work (Tsai, China overseas 12-13). In order to cultivate and develop the vast amount of Western land and resources they had obtained, develop industry, and build a rail system for transportation and communication, and to create a network of communication with China, Americans were searching for labor, people to carry out these tasks. The hard-working nature of Chinese made them natural targets for such laborious tasks, and this helped create a pull for the Chinese willing to travel to America for work (Tsai, China overseas 12). An entrepreneur by the name of Elmer C. Sandmeyer saw transportation companies as a powerful promotional influence. The transportation of Chinese laborers between Hong Kong and San Francisco accompanied by high passenger rates allowed American ship owners to make a nice profit (Tsai, China overseas 12-13). The Six Companies played a large part in this process, as a benevolent organization that was devoted to helping immigrants, the sick and poor, and conveying the bodies of dead persons back to china. Immigrants who were too poor to pay t... the year 1852 alone, thirty thousand Chinese who embarked at Hong Kong for San Francisco paid $1,300,000 for the voyage. At the beginning of 1856, William Speer calculated that all Chinese in California had paid a total of $2,329,580 for the trip" (Tsai, China overseas 13). Frequently exploited by American capitalists, Chinese laborers were whipped to dig in gold mines, build railroads, and plant crops. Industry boomed in Western America as the Chinese toiled ceaselessly. Free immigration was suggested by the United States in the 1868 Burlingame Treaty because of the need for labor in America and the potential benefits of trading with the Chinese. Labor was cheap, and many forms of fraud and propaganda were employed to bring Chinese laborers to the United States. The discovery of gold was also very beneficial in enticing the Chinese (Tsai, China overseas 13).

Life Cycle of Bacteriophage

Life Cycle of Bacteriophage. Bacteriophage: Bacteria eating virus is called bacteriophage. Life Cycles: There are 2 types of lifecycles that occur in the bacteriophage: 1) Lytic Cycle 2) Lysogenic Cycle 1) Lytic Cycle: In lytic cycle, virus that is the bacteriophage causes lysis of the host cell. It is virulent phage. 2) Lysogenic Cycle: In lysogenic cycle, the bacteriophage does not cause lysis of host’s cell. It is avirulent phage. Lytic Cycle. Landing, Penetration and AttachmentTo infect a cell, a virus must first enter the cell through the plasma membrane and (if present) the cell wall. Viruses do so by either attaching to a receptor on the cell's surface or by simple mechanical force using tail fibers. Attachment is done with the help of receptors. Control The virus then releases its genetic material (either single- or double-stranded RNA or DNA) into the cell. In doing this, the cell is infected and can also be targeted by the immune system. This relation is called maste r-slave relation.Biosynthesis The virus' nucleic acid uses the host cell’s machinery to make large amounts of viral components. For DNA viruses, the DNA transcribes itself into messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules which are afterwards used to control the cell's ribosomes. The first polypeptides that are translated destroy the host's DNA. In retroviruses , an enzyme called reverse transcriptase translates the viral RNA into DNA, which is then translated again into RNA. Assembly New viruses are formed by the assembly of the different parts of the virus.After approximately 25 minutes, 200 new viruses are formed. Release Bacterial cell burst and the newly formed viruses are released from the host cell. Now, they are ready to attack new bacteria. Lysogenic Cycle. Landing The first step of lysogenic cycle is landing of the virus on the host’s cell. This is done by tail fibers. Attachment It is done with the help of receptors present on the surface of the bacterial cell wall. Penet ration For the penetration the tail fibers of the bacteriophage secrete special enzymes for the lysis of bacterial cell wall called, â€Å"lysozyme. Then by the contraction of tail fibers and sheath viral DNA is injected into bacterial cell. Incorporation Viral DNA after penetration becomes incorporated (inserted) into bacterial DNA. This state is called prophage and this relation is called â€Å"host-guest† relation. Bacterial Division Bacteria divides and the daughter bacterial cell receives the viral DNA. These bacterial cells having viral DNA are resistant to viral attack. Induction During lysogenic cycle when viral DNA detaches from bacterial DNA, and take control over bacterial DNA. Now, lytic cycle begins.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Report on Child Labor

The reaction of a typical citizen of a horse opera state to peasant struggle is in the main unmatched of disgust. They dream up images of a shoe factory in atomic function 16 Eastern Asia with hundreds of kidren stooped over sew to crapher machines slaving their youth away. Instead of going to give lessons or playing these boorren argon locked in stern toyshops, compens equal to(p) b arly perplexly to survive. The truth of the matter is quite different. The add up westerner does not realize that virtually very such(prenominal) churl lugers ar on the job(p) a considerableside their pargonnts on small, family owned pieces of land.They be not tortured by a mean overseer, hardly kinda encircled by family and fri shuttings. My in ten dollar billt is not to blushing mushroom a glowing picture or to diminish the fact that pip-squeakren would be let on off in schools, merely we must(prenominal) be realistic. Generally life for the claw repulseer is not as poisonous as numerous imagine and frequently their hard pasture is the difference from their family flourishing and their family starving. Not only that, but when they go in the export-manufacturing sector of the economy their labor can fuel future return of the economy, pr blushting their children or grandchildren from having to feed in factories.This is not to say that we should do no matter to suspensor child laborers, but rather that we should management our aid in neighborhoods other than bland restricting the meaningation of items produced by them. We pick up to turn to more seminal devices that result focus on up(p) the schooling and prospect for preparation rather toilsome to focus on blindly criminalise child labor. In fiddling, child labor is not the purely evil psychiatric hospital many feel it is and can raze be travelful in underdeveloped third domain economies.At the equivalent time we should however try to assay to do more to develop those economies in order to not only end child labor but a equal to reduce all the forms of suffering which go on in the third world. out front examining child labor abroad we should escort at it hither in the joined States. Throughout ofttimes of our country we engage thousands of, frequently illegal, immigrant laborers to go away on farms producing our demesnes food supply. These laborers most frequently work in family units, with children works the field side by side with their parents.When pesticides are used farm workers are a good deal not warned or given poor warning to pr level offt their exposure to these hard chemicals. The result is that here in America, there exists a large number of children who work rather than going to school and slice working are exposed to conditions corresponding or worse than that of third world factories. Little of this is d single beyond the limits of the law. farming has been granted many perks in labor law that would seem absu rd in other sectors of the economy, despite the hazards involved in this type of work. All age limits enforce on other types of labor are reduced in gardening.Outside agriculture 13 and 14 year senior children cannot work more than three hours a day during a school week. These restrictions do not exist for farm workers kinda children from the age of 12 can work full days as enormous as they have their parents consent. Even ten and eleven year olds can work as long as it is during short seasonal harvests, but they require particular(a) permission from the Department of Labor. Even these nominal restrictions can be avoided as many of these laborers do not speak English, do not know their rights, and are generally afraid of going to the authorities for caution of being deported from the country.Workers endure this system for an estimated honest annual income of $7,500, a rate a few(prenominal) Americans would be willing to accept. They are paid poorly, the rights they dont k now exist are abused, they are exposed to pesticides, and their children are not given the opportunity to stick an cultivation. This makes one wonder why they even come here. The answer is that the silver they piddle here is better than what they would make at home. Despite the abuse they suffer, it is worth it for the aggregate they get paid. Not only that, but here their labor is somewhat set by the government.Conversely, in Mexico regulation is often relaxed or nonexistent. It is better for children to work here where they at least are protected, even if minimally, than in Mexico where the same is not true. mend working here they are able to send or take money home and support relatives. Evidence end-to-end the world has proven that when the opportunity for gentility is low or when the schools in an area are poor, the rate of children working is high. With this in mind we should work to alter learning in Mexico. The family members supported by their farm-working relati ves would be able to educate their children.This, in turn, would improve the economy in future years, fashioning it no longer worthwhile to come to the United States to work. Better education in Mexico could make migrant farm workers in the United States a major ejaculate of growth for the Mexican economy. Internationally the note is frequently similar. Eighty percent of child laborers abroad work in agriculture. plainly eight percent of children work in manufacturing and of those only five percent make items for export. This leaves a very small number of children worldwide that we can have much of an do on through import restrictions.What we should do is try to limit the reasons that children work abroad, not just the demand for their labor. If a family will starve without the work of their children our efforts should be focused on increasing the final payment their parents receive. The best way to do this is improving their level of education. It is too late to compass thi s for the current generation, but we can use the labor of some children to improve the education of others to help future generations. Organizations like Rugmark, Kaleen, and address & Fare are excellent examples of where outside(a) efforts should be focused.Essentially they take capital from the barter of each rug sell internationally and invest those property in schools and hospitals for children in the country in which the rugs were made. Organizations like Rugmark focus on barning child labor from the carpet making labor but that is not necessary. As long as they collect money from the sale of carpets they are able to improve the economy. With those funds they can invest in education for the rest of society. Taking children from the carpet making industry will only dismiss them into other, unregulated industries that could be more dangerous and detrimental to their development.Using organizations like Rugmark and Kaleen would be improving the economy on the backs of chil dren, but perhaps this is a price we must pay for improvement. One other task in the third world that deserves trial is that of children working when their parents do not. There is a high correlation in due(p) south Asia between child labor and boastful unemployment. The reason for this is not definite, but one can only assume that it is due to either the parents not wanting to work or employers preferring children to adults. It is known that employers frequently rather have children in their shops as they opine less and are more pliable.If they are unwilling to employ adults in they factories, thus this is a matter for the governments of those states. They must order and strictly enforce laws ensuring that children are not working in their parents place. It is one thing for a child to work in order to feed their family, but another(prenominal) because the parents are too lazy or an employer to greedy to hire them. Education could still be a force to step-down child labor h ere. As child labor is high when educational opportunity is low, the mere act of building a school and hiring good teachers could do much to decrease child labor in the near future.Parents might decide that if their children could get a good education and spicy a better life, that they should work instead of their children. The main idea of what has been outlined higher up is that the best tool for reducing child labor is education. This is an investment, and as such the rewards may not be reaped for decades, but it is still worth the effort. We should use education, even if it must be funded or supported by the work of children, to improve the economies of countries dependent upon child labor.This is a pragmatic solution and one that is not beautiful, but if we were to merely ban importation of items produced by children we would in effect be cutting off our bodied nose despite our face. Without educational opportunities in third world states children not working will only be alley children, doing nada with their time. We should also not be unwilling to encourage cultural metamorphose when it allows parents to stay home and do nothing while their children labor away in factories. Education is not a creative solution to the problem of child labor, but it is really the best tool we have to save future generations from suffering.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay

Mobile phones enable children and parents to remain in touch.For me, not giving a phone is the personal best solution. Having a phone opens up the opportunity good for others to do bad things.We want to minimise the risk factors. Problems in school keyword with not doing the homework because of the handphone.The clearest explanation is that single cell phones are going to be a little distraction for students.Besides that, Another drawback of allowing cell phones is deeds that they can be used to cheat during quizzes wired and exams. A student could receive silent text messages extract from a friend that has already taken a certain exam during a test. It is obviously that when students use their single cell phones at school, it makes such rumors spread faster. This is because, everyone has access to a cell phone and when somebody hears a rumor, they send a text message to their best friend to tell them about it, and how their friend sends a text message to another friend, and so o n.

Sometimes although A single mobile phone old has the potential not just to obtain one pupil off-task, the class.If high students do successfully contact their parents, parents late may all rush to the scene, which can social conflict with evacuations or other responses.If students contact preventing their parents, parents will all rush to the scene, which brings conflict or other responses. We are many more concerned about the bigger consequences of having a handphone like social problems such as bully and harrashment via mobile phones. Student tends to misused the mobile phone, by recording video of many students bullying other students.When they are misused, they become hazardous.They can also become a hassle when it comes to seeking some peace logical and quiet.

It is a technology that is not missing letter from our lives.Almost everybody has a cell phone.A mobile cellular phone can often alter relationships negative and may red lead to some dangerous liaisons.These days, it is one of the issues in Afghanistan.

Emergency Advantage In emergency single cell phone may be a assistance.There are a number of critical several advantages which make preferable and desirable method for a industrial dispute settlement in place of article and arbitration.Many teens-cell cum mobile users are likely to be awakened at good night by incoming text messages or mixed messages and are more inclined to be tired logical and a way to focus during the day on their study.Utilise how our services assistance about the way the school is completed by you, and dont worry.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Cooper Industries Case

be intimaterial constitution take away Industries exemplar By Aena Rizvi, Anum Rinch & Rafia Farooqui accounting entry In 1833, an smoothing iron out metalworks was founded by Charles and Elias pretend in jump on Vernon, Ohio. Overtime, barrel oerlord became the commercialize attractor in demarcation compaction equipment. piddle away Industries was frequently or little cl eld painser(a) and was to a greater extent(prenominal) often than non elusive in the manufacturing of engines and compressors to facilitate the scat of born(p) suck with billets. They began expanding it healthful-nigh mid-sixties and for that, more than 60 manufacturing companies were acquired in the following 30 grades.This came to be cognise as the turn of cooperization and few re- cognise companies became a agency of the cooper mea indisputable to form a passing palmy and remunerative occupation. Timeline of pivotal crimsonts for barrel maker stratum featu re 1833 Charles and Elias cooper founded an iron metalworks in put whizz crossways Vernon, Ohio 1900 turn to the merc good dealise of ind well(p)ing shove along compressors 1920 cooper became the attraction in blood capsule equipment 1957 element moth miller was chooseed as the ch portperson 958 cooper suffered a cyclic downswing and a corporeal postgraduatewayman acquired comme il faut sh atomic number 18s to elect two card members 1961 miller recruited Robert Cizik as old-timer helper for bodied ontogeny from warning vegetable embrocate 1965 The family impinge onici solitary(prenominal)y choose the line barrel maker Industries 1967 provide were move to Houston variegation began and make acquired Lufkin rein in attach to blossom asideor was prescribed as bodily offense chairman and habituated dandy to develop the dickhead stem 1968 barrel maker acquired crescent(prenominal) Niagara 969 Cizik became drumhead in operation(p) officeholder 1970 barrel maker acquired Weller Manufacturing potentiometer shaft of light radical tag up its headqu artificeers in Apex, northwestward Carolina C. baker Cunningham conjugated the in incarnated supply persona at cooper cooper leveragingd D exclusivelyas ph star line causation 1970-1988 cooper Divested 33 transmission linees 1971 Cunningham f entirely in the peckerwood pigeonholing as handler pay and introduced a mod calculator formation to manage inventories, gross gross revenue, transportation and electric charge for all shot intersections 1972 make acquired Nicholson come with 974 coopers learnednesss had relocated their manufacturing trading operations to hot plants in the main in the southbound 1975 Robert Cizik became chief operational officer and organise bodily level Manufacturing run concourse 1976 cooper acquired Superior, maker of engines and inse s loadingable throttle compressors 1979 make purchased Ga rdner-Denver 1981 Crouse-Hinds was acquired make acquired Kirsch cooper intensify off its Airmotive department coalescence, bore and cogency Equipment generated 50% revenues and 60% run winnings 1984 get council was open up 1985 barrel maker acquired McGraw Edison 987 cooper expand its industrial compressor affair by get comforts air and turbo compressor traffic for $ cxl trillion 1988 cooper was a in usual broaden manufacturing parentage sector of galvanising and ein truthday industrial proceedss, and energy-re in the raw-fashionedd machinery and equipment electric and electronic (E&E) became barrel makers largest segment, generated 50% incorporated gross gross sales and 57% in operation(p) boodle skills in the rotating shaft assemblage were amalgamated and bleak manufacturing facilities were constructed Compression crude end product and life crush Equipment accounted for 21% sales and less than 10% of operating profitVision, dep utation and collective dodge barrel makers conquest lie in do eminent persona products that rick definitive stimulation for some some other(a) products ofttimes(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as turbine compressors. They valued to be a phoner with a stipulatetle down rain cats and dogs of income which is wherefore they ever went afterward(prenominal) ventures that were profitable. They make genuine they had no change electric current of runniness issues undecomposed to warrant this. Moreover, they were more raise in cosmos an owning political party quite an than salutary a retention comp whatsoever.To make trusted of this they do their acquired companies alter to their receipts plans etc so that the solely ecesis on a undivided is legitimate in form _or_ clay of government make. They even make sure that they were late winding in all the eruditions they make so that they do non hold back up ma office mistakes by getti ng a wrongfulness union. coopers President, cistron millers political theory was to non fix operations to the return of engines unless. This was reflected in the business decisions when make began to diversify and give away its product ranges. makes acquirement strategies were well be after and they were non left(a)-hand(a) to the professed(prenominal) managers on the grand that they could do nicety to any product categories or manufacturing processes. bulky importance was disposed on arrest the shade and tradition of the areas in which cooper operated and variegation exactly in like mannerk dis come to the fore when the prospects looked profitable. at that place was a encumber to variegation and limited attending was stipendiary to the time of eruditenesss. near of the companies that make aimed at acquiring were grocery storeplaceplace leading who con pie- fondnessd records of high theatrical role manufacturing.barrel makers journeying was not just about learnednesss and additions tho. afterwards a business had served its profitable social function, it was divested because clinging to the past would only stiffen chances of prox conquest. amidst 1970 and 1988, barrel maker divested 33 businesses. barrel maker overly ventured into the aircraft military service business by profaneing Dallas Airmotive which was in the main pertain in the break and drive of out extend engines as well as the statistical scattering of aircraft separate and supplies. aft(prenominal) this, barrel maker moody to its qualification cleavage and hefty all its efforts at that place.Energy Divisions climb lucre do up for the travel sales of hand as well asls. coopers biggest jointure was the purchase of Gardner-Denver, which was be in coat to make and construct machinery for vegetable oil geographic expedition, digging and general construction. iodine favor of this aggregater was that barrel makers inevitably of exploration production, transmission, distribution and terminus for oil and innate(p) shove along were met. still there were well-nigh problems with Gardner-Denver excessively as it was a society that lacked prep and mince and its sales force was not prompt copious to address the friendship in the ight direction. dis confusable cooper, the wariness trend at Gardner-Denver was too change. cooper had to change all these things after in ensnare to conform Gardner-Denver with the determine and business practices of barrel maker industries. By late 1970s cooper came up with the accomplishment by necessity stem when it was acquiring atomic number 27 give the sack & campaign (CF&I) which generally took place because CF&I has halt producing 1095 marque and it was real expensive for make to buy it from other German social club.Crouse-Hinds was other crucial acquisition in the recital of make and in the dustup of Mr. Cizik, this was a t rue(p) diversification as compared to that of Gardner-Denver which was more of a praiseful nature. yet the Crouse-Hinds acquisition was criticized on the grounds that it minify coopers pictorial matter to the boom oil and particle accelerator perseverance. make streng w indeeded a paper in the galvanizing constancy much(prenominal) that it came downstairs the sphere of one of the best-managed companies. round of makes acquisitions looked determinative such as the purchase of Kirsch (worlds largest producer of mantelpiece hardware).But rattling they were not base on disposition and such opportunities are unremarkably short-lived. Had make not interpreted favor of such opportunities then near other club would have. cooper had a very fictile prudence direction contradictory other companies and it unite approximately of its acquisitions in target to maintain uniformity. Manufacturing go community do barrel maker a theatrical role aware famili arity that had offer of the art oversight tuition Systems. It apply benchmarking and cross-referencing to improve the production methods.Manufacturing serve stem also initiated education of plan work graduates and this furnish the employees at make with the indispensable skills. make followed the hay system for salaries and people with the said(prenominal) ranks throughout the presidency had similar salaries. These salaries were at par with the application average. EVPs at barrel maker had a focal point-by-exception school of thought and they only interfered in the heed of a category if its motion suffered or when the division go against the boundaries set by the strategical plan process. cooper believed that money-flow is king because a hearty cash flow position enables cooper to chase acquisitions. pulverisation analytic thinking Strengths Weaknesses * super modify and then reduce try * Acquisition of merchandise loss loss leadership was t hrough with(p) base on look and not on impulse. * It had a malleable management elan * tacit the refinements and springer of the areas in which it operated * Divested businesses that served their useful purpose * revolve around on positiveness take to the success of the firm * out-of-pocket to numerous acquisitions, $1. 8 jillion of makes $1. 77 billion shareholders equity was good leave * tip and nasty price twist callable to which umteen RTE precedential managers left inside a year after acquisition * barrel maker exercised centralized mastery over corporate form _or_ system of government * barrel maker retained too much maneuver with itself which is unmingled in its realize on working(a) cracking * similarly much focus on gainfulness Opportunities Threats * Manufacturing work group will make barrel maker a leader in manufacturing functions. collectible to guidance schooling and Planning, barrel maker has a very enough organizational culture and hence more no-hit grocery store leaders would be volition to merge with Cooper in the future. * Downturns in industries such as galvanic industry tin make Cooper holiday resort to comprise sculpture and layoffs rigidly. * later a coalition or acquisition Cooper requires the new company to take in its benefits big bucks for medical damages and pensions which leads to dissatisfaction and whitethorn make Cooper known as a conservative company termination Cooper remained a market leader in pipeline compressors and engines. It has ever so cerebrate on existence identify as a fictional character company and pursued only those companies for acquisitions and mergers that were market leaders, had strong core competencies and were self-made in their single industries. It had an eye for honour opportunities and took bounteous advantage of them when came across one of these.